Monday, December 6, 2010

A Brother's Wish

Guest blog by J, BHD's Twin Brother

My wife and I had an argument recently -- where to spend Christmas.  We live in a little flat in Paris, France, where we work.  Last year, we went to visit my brother, BHD, and see the family.  I wanted to go back this year.  My wife wanted to go to St. Tropez on the French Riviera, instead, and spend some time with two of her siblings who were also going to be there for Christmas.

Sure, it would be nice to take a holiday on the Riviera, but it's cold this time of year and it is extremely expensive.  I very much want to come home to see my family and have an old-fashioned family Christmas.

What to do?  I called my brother, and he listened, but didn't try to tell me what to do.  Sometimes I just need someone to listen, and my brother does that very well for me.

Our flat was very quiet for several hours.  The tension was high, and my wife and I both were feeling uncomfortable for having disagreed.  After a few hours, I gently knocked on the bedroom door to apologize.

No sooner had I said, "I'm sorry" than she showed me a printout confirming that she bought two airline tickets for us to come to Washington on 23 December.  She told me how much she enjoyed our family, and the casual, friendly, and fun atmosphere. She said how welcome she felt in my brother's home, and enjoyed spending time with my sisters.  I think as she reflected back on our visit last year, she thought more about it and how much she would like to return -- as much as me!

WE ARE COMING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!  Whoopie!  Can't wait!  (Bro, don't worry, I'll bring my leather pants -- you can provide the boots!)

1 comment:

  1. Nothing is better than having you and your wife close at Christmas. I will be very excited to see you again. I can't promise a White Christmas and a snowball battle with the little ones again, but I'm sure you'll find some mischief to get into! LOL!

    Love you, bro, siempre.


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