Sunday, December 5, 2010

Returning to my Booted Roots

Well, I'm not in Oklahoma, where I spent many carefree hours riding my beloved Palamino, Maggie.  Yesterday, I had the distinct pleasure to stay with a professional colleague who has become a good friend over the years.  She owns a horse farm north of Seattle -- in the Arlington, Washington, area.  (As in "Washington State", not Arlington, Virginia, near Washington, DC.  I know... so confusing!)

This photo shows me with some of my friend's horses while I was feeding them.  Seems like one of the horses was more interested in my Lucchese cowboy boots than his hay!  LOL!

I had meetings last Thursday and Friday in the Seattle area, and another one south of Tacoma on Monday.  The weekend was free of meetings.  My friend invited me to come stay on her farm on Friday night.  What a treat!

Unfortunately, I couldn't mount one of her Palaminos and ride, as my doc says that I just can't chance re-injuring my hernia.  Instead, I helped muck out the stalls and feed my friend's horses.  Then we sat by the fire and talked all day, while I picked her brain for professional advice and counsel.

Last night, I came into Seattle and stayed downtown.  I had intended to go out with a friend to a leather bar.  However, I had to beg off, as I caught a cold on the way out here, and I am not feeling up to staying up late being a bad-a** leather dude in a bar.  I was a good boy, and went to bed early. 

I will spend today (Sunday) doing some touristy stuff with another friend, to the degree I have energy for it. 

One more meeting looms on Monday, then I get to come home to my beloved partner, family, and friends.

It's been a very productive trip, and I learned a lot.  The visit to my friend's horse farm was the highlight of my visit. 

Life is short:  enjoy both business and pleasure!

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