Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Sydney, Australia  NYE 2011
This is a short post, with more to follow, to wish all of my blog visitors a Happy New Year!  I have enjoyed getting to know some of you who have read my various musings, and contacted me.  I am especially grateful to all of you for putting up with my various ramblings and occasional rants.

I hope you had fun last night.  I know I did (though at the time I wrote this post, it was before my evening shenanigans).  My NYE plans included my usual visit to my brother's to enjoy NYE with the fam, then return home right after the ball drops to enjoy an intimate welcoming of 2011 with my beloved partner.

Photo above is what my partner and I viewed as the year changed from 2002 to 2003:  the Sydney Harbour Bridge in Sydney, Australia.  We were there; what a great sight with such warm and friendly people (and it was warm, too!  Remember, it's Summer Down Under!)

More later!  Read on, and thanks again for visiting!

Life is short:  show appreciation for your friends in the blogosphere.

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