Monday, January 3, 2011

The Light of My Life Enjoys Her 96th

I had the wonderful opportunity yesterday to orchestrate a birthday celebration for my lovely aunt for whom I have spent so much time caring, and enabling her to remain living in her own home despite some medical and cognitive setbacks.  She really is doing well, all things considered.

She turned age 96 yesterday.  We celebrated her birthday with cake, ice cream, funny hats, and noisemakers.  A couple elected officials who serve in our state General Assembly came over to share the festivities with us.  They presented her with a House Resolution recognizing her birthday.  That was sweet, and much appreciated.  (Not thinking these Delegates may wish to have their images appear on this blog, I cropped them out.)

A few of my senior pals came over and sung A Capella in perfect pitch and harmony one of my aunt's favorite songs, as well as "Happy Birthday."

I share joy, contentment, and happiness in knowing that my aunt is doing well, has good care, and is safe in her own home.  That's what I promised to her husband, my Uncle Charlie, and am pleased to fulfill my promise by doing what I do.  I am also pleased that I can fulfill my faith, and deep commitment to service ... because, after all:

Life is short:  show those you love that you love them!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing this here and with our family via our email distribution list and family website, as well as our family Facebook group.

    Ya done good, bro'! Arranging for our aunt to get recognition from the elected officials was a great touch. I am also happy to "hear" the singing by your friends, which I'm sure was enjoyed by all.

    I am sorry that I couldn't be there, but was very happy that you brought me over to visit when I was back home for Christmas.

    I love you, and love our Aunt!



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