Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Breaking a Promise (for a good reason)

When I gave up serving as webmaster for a political campaign this past summer (due to some uber-ugly political tactics that my candidate lowered himself to doing), I told my partner that I was done.  Done with politics, done with "advocacy," done with the whole ball of wax.  I got a new job which consumes a lot of my time, and is enjoyable and is non-partisan.

However, as you have been reading on this blog, there is a bill that passed our State Senate and is now before our House of Delegates that would afford my partner and me the same rights, responsibilities, and benefits that my (straight) married siblings have:  marriage.

I thought my help, encouragement, or active involvement in this matter was not needed this time.  Things were moving along rather well, in my opinion.  Plus, I've been awfully busy caring for my aunt, dealing with her death & belongings & estate, and working like crazy.

But... I was wrong.  A Delegate in our state assembly who represents our district and who I supported for election is having a change of heart.  Pressures are mounting from the religious zealots and other neanderthals, many of whom do not even live in my state.

So today, as you read this, I am taking a day of leave from work and going to our state capital to patiently advocate, meet, and if necessary, bang someone upside the head (figuratively speaking, of course!) and ask, "what are you thinking to have reservations now, especially since you are a co-sponsor of this bill?"

Political action and advocacy from a grass-roots level is not something I take lightly, but get involved in when it matters.  It matters -- a lot.

Return tomorrow for more regular stuff, but know that I remain vigilantly active to ensure that my elected representatives see the faces of their constituents who care about what they do and how they vote.  That's what I love about America -- Democracy as crazy and messy as it can be -- is a cherished and powerful form of government, and it's my right and my duty to express my opinions and share them with those who I elected to represent me and to hold them accountable for their actions. In this country, they are accountable to me (and my neighbors) but not some king or mullah or whatnot. (Okay, see me waving the flag and singing our national anthem, but I truly believe this stuff!)

Life is short:  take action when civic duty calls.


  1. When I learned that this previously supportive delegate was holding the lives and futures of her Maryland citizens hostage with this move, I thought typical politician. But, I also began to think how sad. What does this say for one's moral compass? One has to ask what other issues this delegate is willing to hold hostage until her projects are moved forward. Instances like these cause most of us to wonder if its the political process or the moral shortcomings of the individual that cause such actions. This sickens me!


  2. The family is with you today, and me in particular in spirit.

    Do your thing, bro! Go get em!



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