Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I have finally coined the term that I will call my partner when we marry:  my spunk.  LOL!  ... it can mean so much, so those of you with dirty minds require an explanation:

Spouse + Hunk = Spunk.

That simple... means so much and says quite a lot, while giving some innuendo, as well.  :-)

*Note, if you're late into this, my state's legislature may (emphasis added) pass a bill legalizing same-sex marriage, and our governor has promised to sign it. However, the nay-saying negative noodles who live in fear and hatred are threatening to petition the law to referendum, so we'll have to wait until the referendum is defeated in November, 2012, to finally have permission to have our relationship achieve the same status of my siblings' relationships with their respective spouses. So this battle ain't won by a long shot, but we're closer than ever before.

Life is short:  have spunk!

1 comment:

  1. Well, brother, you have spunk and I'll just call your partner by his given name (smile.) You know that all of us want you and your partner to be able to be recognized by the state and in the eyes of the law as the rest of us.

    I love you both,



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