Friday, February 17, 2012

Beyond Pain...

My poor partner... his frightful medical situation is worse -- so bad that I had to carry him, literally, to see his doctor yesterday. The doc wants him admitted to the hospital. No explanation for the intense, body-wide pain.

Nothing really could be done at night, so we will go to the hospital today. Thankfully my license is still valid, so I administered a pain drug infusion to get him off to la-la land last night. He has not been sleeping, not eating, and continues to lose weight.

I got word that my advocacy with his health insurance company worked... the hospital we are going to will be a world-class facility, not the local hospital that is more general in nature. The really good hospital is 40 miles up the road, but far superior with tests and treatments, hopefully, that can treat his complex condition.

This is so sad... he was doing better. We had a great Valentine's Day. But then it just got worse and worse.

Prayers appreciated.

Signing off until I have better news -- or any news for that matter.

Life is short: show those you love how you love them.


  1. Man oh man... didn't see this coming. I will call you later. My wife and I extend our very best wishes and prayers. You know if you need me, I'll be there... always in heart, in deed, and with love.


  2. I'm praying for both of you. I know that there's a lot of love there, and I know that you'll continue to be strong for your partner.


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