Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sialkot Must Be a Crazy Place

Name: [Pakistani Peddler]
Location: Sialkot, Pakistan

Dear Sir/Madam,

We would like to introduce you to our company. We are one great company with very good reputation in Pakistan and in the international market. This is due to our excellent quality products and economical rates. Our main object is to provide excellent quality products at reasonable prices every time when we deal our customers.

We are presently manufacturing all kinds of leather Jackets, Motorbike suits, Cordura jackets, Trousers, Gloves, Saddle bags and Vests. The Company has highly qualified staff at its back having vast experience in the manufacturing process and is maintaining quality tools to the International standards and specifications. Our main objectives are customer confidence, satisfaction, and to provide....
[cutoff as the message hit my max 1000 character limit]
Oh my goodness, this barrage from desperate Pakistani leather vendors continues.

At least once a week, sometimes more often, I receive a message much like this one which is an actual message that I received (except I deleted the name of the vendor and the link to its website). All of the messages that I receive originate from different people (based on IP addresses of the sender), but all are sent from the same location -- Sialkot, Pakistan.

I imagine that this town must be bustling with people tearing the skin off cows and making garments from them. Obviously, internet access is widely available there. These guys find my website and quickly find my "write to me" page, and ... there you have it. Another offer from a leather vendor anxious to find a U.S. bulk buyer for his goods.

... ain't gonna happen with me. Pakistani leather is poorly made, often blemished, and is one of those things to which the American expression, "you get what you pay for" applies.

I have tried writing in Urdu on my "write to me" page saying, "if you are from Pakistan, do not write to me." But that has not worked. I still have that statement on my "write to me" page, in English. That statement has stopped a few of them from writing to me, but not many. I figure most of them cannot read English, and are using an on-line translator to try to communicate with me (thus the reason for correct spelling but occasional inaccurate choice of words. On-line translators are known for that). I would love to see how they "deal customers"! LOL!

I have to give these Pakistani leather peddlers credit for their chutzpah (which is kinda funny, using a Hebrew word to describe a characteristic of people who are primarily Muslim, but this word is the most apropos. If they cannot understand English anyway, they will not read it here.)

But I do not want, will not buy, and am not interested in any leather goods from Pakistan.

If you have any ideas about how I can politely but firmly turn these guys away from my website before they write to me, I would love to hear from you.

Life is short: accept the consequences of owning a public website with leather gear on it.

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