Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Blog Post 400

I've really gotten into this blogging thing... just a daily thought about a variety of things that compose my life.

In reviewing how the blogging has been going, here are some things I have learned:
  • Write when it comes to you, and schedule it for future posting.

  • Blogger is owned by Google and seems to auto-index as soon as your post "goes live." Thus, you suddenly get a lot of visitors to your blog who use Google to look up certain key words that match what's in your post. Google seems to favor with higher ranking key words on more recent blog posts.

  • You get many more visitors to a blog post than you may think. My average is 500 unique visitors per day, from all over the world.

  • People who live in your town will find you, and read your blog almost daily, but never reveal themselves to you. That's just part of internet behavior that bloggers have to accept.

  • Some people will "follow" you publicly, and some will follow you privately. It works both ways.

  • When your life gets really busy, it's helpful to have a pre-written "bank" of blog posts.
What's been most popular on this blog recently as well as over time? These titles: How do I know this? I have simple tracking software that provides counts of visitors to blog posts, but be assured, it does not reveal your identity.

Life is short: Keep blogging! Share your joy with others!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Harleydude, I'm new to blogging and I found this post really helpful, thankyou.


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