Thursday, December 30, 2010

Top 10 Countdown: 6 - 10

In my third year of blogging, I have enjoyed writing posts about my various interests and my life -- and I've averaged a post-a-day.  I may not be able to keep up that pace next year.

I reviewed the visitor's stats for this blog over the past several months, and have determined what the most popular posts on this blog have been, as ranked by the count of the number of unique visitors to specific posts -- thanks to Statcounter, which does the hard work for me.

Interestingly, one of the Top 10 blog posts was from 2008, and three of the Top 10 were from 2009.  The remainder were posted this year.

So here goes... the Top Blog Posts on this blog during 2010:

#10:  How To Tell If You Have Vintage Frye Boots (October 30, 2010)

This doesn't surprise me at all.  Lots and lots of people are interested in vintage Frye boots, and learning how to tell the differences between Fryes made in the 1970s, then during the 80s and up to 2003 when the John A. Frye Shoe Company as we knew it closed and the name was bought by a series of companies that licensed the Frye label  to third-party shoe/bootmakers to make products under that name.

#9:  Tucking Pants Into Boots (October 10, 2010)

Again, not a surprise this ranks so high.  I get a huge number of visitors to this blog and to the "Cowboy Boots and Jeans" tutorial on my website from internet searches along the lines of "do men wear jeans tucked in or out of boots?"  I swear, I never cease to be amazed at the large number of internet searches on this topic -- probably by curious, confused, and happy-to-be-anonymous guys asking this question.  (IMHO, if a guy has to ask this question, he has more things to worry about than this matter....)

#8:  What To Wear With Motorcycle Boots? (September 21, 2010)

Again, I am amazed how search engines are used with the most inane questions by the curious and happy-to-be-anonymous guys.  So, what to wear with motorcycle boots?  Easy:  jeans, leathers, or breeches.  Simple.  Better to be booted in long pants on a motorcycle than be an organ donor wearing shorts and sneakers... just sayin'.

#7:  Hard-workin' Old Chippewa Engineer Boots (July 13, 2009)

This is the first of my blog posts from last year to be ranked among the Top 10.  I think the reason why is the image that I posted with it.  The post itself is rather dull ... just an explanation of a busy day while wearing engineer boots.  This is where "Google Images" produces hits on this blog, because whatever guys search for about dirty, muddy, or well-worn engineer boots produces this image, with a link to this post.

#6:  Wesco Boots and Gay Culture (December 27, 2008)  [This was ranked #1 last year]

It is fascinating to me that this post would rank so high on this blog -- its now over two years old. Why does it receive so many visits? I think for two reasons: the image shows up in high rankings on Google Image searches -- a tough-looking, masculine biker boot on a Harley. Second, I think the topic itself draws a lot of visitors too. I see many search engines results for searches such as: "why do gay men like Wesco Boots" or "Wesco Boots Gay" or "Gay Boot Fetish" and so forth. I'm here to dispel the notion that only gay men wear Wesco boots, or that the boots themselves are gay. They're just boots, and while I own a dozen pairs of Wesco boots, I have yet to see them make out with each other. :-)

Check back tomorrow for Blog Posts ranked #1 to 5!

Life is short:  keep bloggin'!

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