Monday, February 8, 2010

700th Blog Post

Welcome to blog post #700*. Since I began writing this blog in January, 2008, I have found this process to be interesting and a fun way of sharing my outlook on life.

Since the blog is updated daily, I see that I enjoy visits by some 250 regular visitors every day, and some 500 casual visitors who drop in, usually via a search engine directing them here.

They may be searching for information about life as a monogamously partnered gay man, who is happy, settled, and enjoys life. Or they may be looking for information about masculine gay men, about which I have blogged a lot.

Else, they could be searching for information about motorcycle police patrol boots, cowboy boots, or leather gear. There continue to be a whole lot of people who are confused about whether to wear jeans tucked into their boots (or not), as well as whether they can or should wear leather gear such as a pair of leather jeans, in public.

I try to project that gay men are part of the community, and take an active interest in helping to make things better and life more enjoyable where they work and live. That not all gay men are prissy queens, but those who project a fun, flamboyant image are part of the mix at the large table at which we as humanity are seated.

I try to encourage others to relax, be themselves, and to try doing things that are new to them. Part of the gay "coming out" process is learning to be comfortable in one's own skin. Learning how to have self-confidence is not something that is done overnight, or learned in one high school elective class. Surrounding oneself with thoughtful, caring, supportive family and friends is critical to making life's journey productive.

I sincerely appreciate that my partner and my family have made it that way for me. My partner is a secure, confident, caring and thoughtful man who brings out those characteristics in me, every day. My parents, may they rest in peace, taught me lessons that remain solid to this day. My siblings -- the whole raucous bunch of 'em -- care a great deal about me and love me, no matter if we may disagree politically or otherwise. My very close friends -- some of whom I grew up with and others I have met more recently -- mean the world to me and compose a rich fabric that I refer to as my "net." It is more than a "safety net" as it is a net composed of various parts that together make me stronger, more secure, as well as safe and loved.

I will keep blogging away, and I hope you will keep reading. Let me know your ideas and suggestions for this blog (or leave a comment). I enjoy getting ideas to blog about from suggestions that are sent to me or that I observe based on various activities that I do and things that I read on the Internet.

Life is short: keep truckin'!

* in full disclosure, this actually is blog post #703; posts about our recent "snowmageddon" snowfall pre-empted this post.

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